Appetite For Deconstruction
What should literary critics eat? It is an important question. Please refer to this comprehensive guide, and dine according to your loyalties.
•American pragmatism: Burgers, medium-rare
•Cultural studies: Eat whatever you want, but think about it a lot
•Deconstruction: Fusion cuisine
•Gender studies: Sausage and a smoothie
•Marxism: Boiled cabbage
•New Criticism: Don’t think, just eat
•New Historicism: Quinoa hardtack with pork belly gravy
•Post-colonialism: McDonald’s
•Psychoanalysis: Oysters, raw
•Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Several cigarettes and one áperitif
•Queer Theory: Vegan muffin
•Reader Response: Shabu-shabu
•Semiotics: Elaborate salad of many constituent vegetables
•Russian Formalism: Slice of black bread with the crusts cut off
•Postmodernism: Dippin’ Dots
•Eco-criticism: WHO CARES!